Young Adults Retreat

Date: 19/10/2018 - 22/10/2018

Cathedral of Praise

This retreat has been planned for a number of reasons. One aspect is that we believe it’s good to fill your life with amazing, fun adventures with your church family. If you build strong connections then you’ll have strong support, from the right kind of people, when you need it! We also believe setting aside dedicated time to focus on God can give us the space and clarity we need to see what God is doing in our lives. With fast paced schedules taking time out to re-evaluate life is critical. 

Whether you’re secure, set up and marching forward, or you’re starting fresh, with little direction and figuring it out, we all need to develop the art of looking to the Lord in every season. Young adults, you are probably currently involved in setting up, or making some important decisions, for your future. So come to the retreat, connect with some amazing people that can bring out the best God has in you, and develop the art of looking to the Lord. 

Book Online

Bookings are closed for this event.


Tel: (07) 4920 0700

276 Carlton St
Nth Rockhampton, Q 4701

PO Box 5571, Red Hill
Nth Rockhampton, Q 4701


Tuesday to Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Monday: 8:30am - 3:30pm
(Phone contact only)

Cathedral of Praise Church Facebook Cathedral of Praise Church Instagram


Sunday Services

9:00am & 6:00pm
(PraiseKids 9am)

Main Auditorium